Crypts of Eternity VII Fanzine
Crypts of Eternity VII Fanzine: Yet another high-quality, English-written old school fashioned B&W fanzine to be added to our distro from Lima, PERU. Features interviews with: Exhumation, Krypts, Question, Cenotafio, Thulsa Doom, Resonance Sound Studio, Nuclear Winter Rex/Martyrdoom Prods, Cemeterian/Oath of Cruelty, Spectral Voice/Blood Incantation, Cerebral Rot, Total DEATH over Mexico, Necrovoid/Astriferous, acouple of special reports with Julio Viterbo ( Shub Niggurath/Cenotaph/The Chasm ), Angel Corpse and heaps more.
*** The first Six copies will recieve a free Compilation CD - V/A El Inexorable Triunfo de la Muerte Compilation CD (Crypts of Eternity Prods). A Compilation of South American DM***
*** Optional - Your choice of a GODLESS (Chile) or EMBALMED SOULS (Brazil) Cassette, which has been graciously recieved from Crypts of Eternity Productions, are available as a free addition to your Zine purchase. - Select your choice as you go. Alternatively you can purchase the Zine on its own.*** ***Additional P&H w/ Cassette***